What is my career?

Hello everyone!

Today I want to talk you about what I'm studying and my experience in this two years. If you don't know, I'm studying Design in Universidad de Chile, and as i'd said, it's my second year.

I was actually don't know what to do when I'll go out to school: to many career to choose, or I can take a year off, work in something, and the decision of study was hurried, because my dad asks me the last day "Do you want to study or not?" And I just say "Yes". So here I am! :D But I like how it turned out.

 So... Why am I studying this career? Since I have 14, I was interested in this career because "I like draw" (that was my thought). But later I notice that Design isn't just that; and before I decided to study I asked to a neighbor who is a Graphic Designer, about the career and I'd liked what he told me about his job and experience. And, just like him, I'll like to be a Graphic Designer.

I meet professionals in this area, designers who contribute to society resolving they problems. I mean, the job of a designer is create solutions for the problems that society have, a company or just one person. And what they designed has to be attractive and functional. In Chile design is not very required, but still necessary. It’s probably more required in other countries like USA, because there the most part of the things (like objects and publicity) are created.
I think a professional need to have, creativity, passion, organization and love for what he’s doing. But also a professional need to have opportunities to show his job. People really don’t know what a designer doing and how much they need them in the society.

My favourite subject of design is the theory, how much I can learn about the world through the design. When you studied this career, you learn to see the world in a different way, you notice the little things that you didn’t notice before, the way that things look cool and still work.

And you? Do you like what you are studied?

See you next week!


  1. I seems like you are really enjoying your studies. that is great


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